Always Lots of Heinies at the Zoo

In which superstar illustrator Dan Santat and I collaborate on a picture book inspired by an offhanded observation my four-year-old daughter made at the Prospect Park Zoo.

Ms. Elephant’s got junk…

“Her couplets evince both an ease with current slang as well as more refined aesthetic … the text just itches to be read aloud—a mock hauteur is highly recommended.”

Publishers Weekly

In her supplemental trunk…

“Use for vocabulary-stretching pleasure.”

—Blair Christolon, School Library Journal

Which is many times the size of a kinkajou.

“The jaunty tale reminds readers that although an animal’s behind does not have to be hidden at the zoo, humans must keep theirs covered. This isn’t always easy...”

Kirkus Reviews

Illustrated by Dan Santat

Ways to get your hands on this book:

No butts about it, we love to read! In which my fellow author Erica "Chicken Butt" Perl hornswoggles me into rapping (and possibly throwing some unintentional gang symbols) at the New York Public Library.

Co-starring children’s authors Betsy Bird and Jon Scieszka. Ye gods.