An Interactive Idea Generator for Small Potatoes & Others Who Want to Get Their Ayuss in Gear

Creative, Not Famous:

An interactive companion volume to Creative, Not Famous: The Small Potato Manifesto.

Are you a small potato, pursuing your creative passions without expectations of fame or fortune? 

Are you looking to reconnect with a younger self who didn’t need permission, public recognition or the perfect conditions to make things? 

Does creative business and branding advice leave you feeling depressed and worthless? 

Shake loose from your rut, allow your creative inner child to scatter seeds with abandon, and harvest all manner of surprising fruit.

Chock full of inspiration, delight, surprise and fun (and so many fresh ways for you to inspire, delight, surprise and enjoy yourself through your own creative explorations!).

—Gayle Brandeis, Drawing Breath: Essays on
Writing, The Body, and Loss

Unexpected exercises, guided reflections, and field work assignments will get you to writing, drawing, singing, rhyming, crafting, improving, observing, engaging, documenting and expressing yourself in every medium imaginable.

The antidote to both imposter syndrome and the bullsh*t of every gatekeeper you’ve ever met.

–Ariel Gore, The Wayward Writer

Work your way through it solo, or team up with friends for some Small Potato Activity fun.

Anything Ayun Halliday does is pure magic.

—David A. Kirschenbaum, Boog City

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